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About the simulator

The interactive turret simulator was built by myself using a video game engine called Unreal Engine 5. The simulator is very easy and user friendly. In total you only need to use 5 keys on your keyboard. It is designed to run as an executable so there will be no installing required. When you're finished and you want to remove the simulator from your computer, simply delete the folder. The file download is a .zip file and the size is 230MB which after extract will create a folder called "Simulator" and will be 323MB in size.


Download & Instructions

1) Hit the download button and wait for the file to download.

2) After the file is downloaded, find it and then right click on the file, then select Extract All. A new folder will appear called Simulator. 

3) Open the new folder and then double click on AliensTurretScreen.exe. This will start the simulator. 

Note: The screen might go black for about 2-3 seconds. After that the Turret Settings screen will open. For 2 seconds you won't be able to interact with the simulator as it is mimicking the same start-up process as the turret screen in Aliens. Once the button AUTO-REMOTE is highlighted, you can then start to interact with the simulator.


Turret Settings Screen

Up and Down arrows to navigate each small menu.
Enter (Return) key to make a selection.

R restarts the simulator.

Escape closes the application.

Ammo Counter Screen

R restarts the simulator.

Escape closes the application.

Note: When using the simulator, you are forced to set the Weapon Status to SAFE until you have made a selection in each category. Once you have made an option in TARGET SELECT, it will return you back to WEAPON STATUS where to proceed with the simulator, you have to set it to ARMED. At this point, setting it to SAFE will do nothing. Once you have set it to ARMED, there will be a 3 second delay before the screen changes to the ammo counter. Once on the ammo counter screen, the simulator will start doing the ammo count.


Please note: I do not take any responsibility or ownership over any copyrighted material. This simulator was created purely as a fan made product and has zero commercial use behind it. It is completely free and donations are not welcome nor any purchases for this simulator. All Logo's, Trademarks and Copyrighted material belong to their respected owners. I literally made this simulator just for the fun of it.

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